Conservancy in Bronze

August 14, 2020

David Morgan is pleased to partner with Cavin Richie in offering the Conservancy in Bronze jewelry — jewelry specifically designed to benefit organizations dedicated to preserving and creating habitat for threatened and endangered wildlife. With Cavin’s retirement from production work, he is now able to pursue this passion, using his artistic skills to benefit the wildlife he loves.

A substantial portion of the proceeds from each Conservancy in Bronze sale will be donated to the designated organization.


Swinging Chimp Jewelry:


Swinging Chimp Pendant. Bronze. Designed by Cavin Richie, made in USA.


A substantial portion (40%) of the proceeds from the sale of this swinging chimpanzee will be donated to the Jane Goodall Institute (JGI). The Jane Goodall Institute is a global nonprofit organization focused on inspiring individual action to improve the understanding, welfare and conservation of great apes and to safeguard the planet we all share. To learn more please visit her site.

Cavin has been enamored with the exploits of Jane Goodall his entire life. She started his path to species and habitat conservation and her life long dedication to the great apes has really made a difference.


Honey Bee Jewelry:


Honey Bee Pendant, Bronze. Designed by Cavin Richie, made in USA


A substantial portion of the proceeds from the sale of this Honey Bee Pendant will be donated to Friends of the Earth. Friends of the Earth was selected by Cavin to receive the proceeds because of their tireless efforts to support honey bees and other polinators. To learn more please visit their site.

Peaceglobe Jewelry:


Peace Globe Pendant, Bronze. Designed by Cavin Richie, made in USA


A substantial portion of the proceeds from the sale of this Peace Globe Pendant will be donated to Earthjustice. Earthjustice is dedicated to litigating environmental issues “because the earth needs a good lawyer”. Earthjustice is the largest nonprofit environmental organization and is the legal backbone that unites many environmental groups free of charge. In a country with strong environmental laws, Earthjustice holds those who break our nations laws accountable for their actions. To learn more please visit their site.



Conservancy in Bronze




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